Sunday, February 26, 2012


Sorry i didnt post yesterday! I kinda got busy :P But i'm making it up NOW :)

A while ago, another Hunger Games fan asked me which district i would want to live in. I had no answer. To me, most of them sound terrible. I mean, most people are starving! But personally, if i had to choose, i would choose District 2. Why? Because they get special treatment from the Capitol.:D
Alright, here is the districts and what they produce! with some help from Wikipedia...

District 1- Luxury

District 2- Masonry (thanks wiki)

District 3- Electronics

District 4- Fishing

District 5- Power (thanks wiki)

District 6- Transportation (thanks wiki)

District 7- Lumber

District 8- Textiles

District 9- Grain (thanks wiki)

District 10- Livestock

District 11- Agriculture

District 12- Coal Mining

District 13- Graphite Mining (nuclear weapons)

Now for the questions of the day!

Day 4: A character you love that everyone hates: Haymitch?

Day 5: Your favorite fight/battle scene: I don’t like any battle
scenes ;( but if i had to say, The scene where Katniss shoots Rue's killer. (thats not really a battle..)

Ok, well, peace out

Friday, February 24, 2012


If you've read the Hunger Games (if you haven't, you better!) you know there are a couple of songs in the series..well, if i'm correct, two. One is Rue's Lullaby and the other is The Hanging Tree. I thought i might share these songs with you today! :) Here is Rue's Lullaby sung by youtube user

How did you like it? I think it's really pretty!!! Now for the hanging tree by youtube user :

Pretty creepy right? I get chills whenever i hear this song...or think about it :P

Also, alot of people MAKE UP their OWN songs for the Hunger right? Here is one by youtube user :
Did you like it? Well there is a BUNCH more on youtube! :)

Time for Question of the GAMES:

Day 3: a character you hate but everyone else LOVES: um...No one really. I guess, some people (i mean a few) like Gale...and well, I'm not a giant fan of him. :P

Thats all for now,
Peace outtttt,

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Quotes :D

Hey everyone!! Today i'm going to talk about quotes!! There are soooo many quotes but these are a few of my favorites :D

"May the odds be ever in your favor"- Effie

"I am not pretty. I am not beautiful. I am as radiant as the sun" - Katniss

“Only I keep wishing I could think of a way to…to show the Capitol they don’t own me. That I’m more than just a piece in their Games” - Peeta

"You’ve got about as much charm as a dead slug.”  - Haymitch

“You love me. Real or not real?"
I tell him, "Real.”    -Katniss and Peeta

“Fire is catching! And if we burn, you burn with us!”    -Katniss


“There are much worse games to play.” - Katniss

What are some of your fav quotes? Comment bellow to tell me :D

Now for the question of the day:

Day 2: Your least favorite character: (duh)..Either President Snow or President Coin (District 13)

OK!! See you soon! ;D Peace outttt

Safe and Sound

Hey everyone! How has your week been going? Mine has been pretty good:) Have you seen/heard Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift ? click here if you havent!! It's amazing. i think it fits the song PERFECTLY! The song had a eerie feel to it but very gripping!!

One thing i REALLY want is a mockingjay pin...but they're WAY expensive! I don't get why the insist on making so costly...i mean, i get that its a "replica" but..still :P I've been trying to find some made by fans but it's pretty hard. Do any of you know where i can get one?? If so, please comment bellow, thanks!!!

Now for the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!! I am going to do the 30 day hunger games challenge!!!To start off, here is day 1:

Day 1: Your favorite character: Either Peeta

Well, thats all for today!!! Hope you have a great one!! Comment, follow and share!! :D
May the odds be ever in your favor!!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Welcome and Enjoy :)

Hello everyone!!! Thanks for coming! This is where i'll my raves and rants about the Hunger Games. I do not any of the characters or pictures i post on here. And in no way am i associated with Suzanne Collins or Lionsgate.
Thanks again!!!

May the odds be ever in your favor,

Mega Fan.